
【演講】醫學院40週年院慶活動暨健照所20週年所慶活動: 2/24、3/10 健康照護的跨域研究

醫學院40週年院慶活動暨成大健康照護科學研究所20周年所慶活動: 2/24、3/10 健康照護的跨域研究】

欣逢醫學院40週年院慶,以及成大健照所20周年所慶,成大健照所與職治系和物治系合辦國際跨域演講系列。本主題邀請兩位國際知名學者Marc N. Potenza (美國耶魯大學醫學院教授)以及Mark D. Griffiths (英國諾丁漢特倫特大學  特聘教授)來分享他們學涯中具影響力之研究經驗。敬邀貴單位師生及研究人員參與。


Professional Online Lectures

Speech I Gender-related Considerations in Behavioral Addictions and Associations with Violence and Aggression 與性別相關的行為成癮與暴力攻擊關聯性
Marc Potenza 美國耶魯大學醫學院 教授

2/24 (五) 8:00 pm~9:00 pm (Taiwan local time) (英文演說, in English)
Marc Potenza, Professor
Yale School of Medicine, USA
Date: Fri, February 24th
Time: 8:00 pm~9:00 pm (Taiwan local time)
Link: https://reurl.cc/EXEKla

Potenza教授針對成癮的神經生物學、預防學和治療學有豐富的經驗,同時,他也教育 、指導並訓練從事這些領域研究的國際專業人員。在過去20年間,Potenza教授研究成癮行為、成癮疾患並從轉譯和跨領域的角度切入。Potenza教授過去15年持續獲得美國國家衛生研究院(NIH)的研究資金補助(包含NIDA, NIAAA, NIDDK, NCCIH),也是多個中心研究資金的主持人(包含P20 DA027844研究古柯鹼疾患、衝動控制和D2/D3受器功能的轉譯)。Potenza教授指導超過100位在成癮領域的研究人員,包含30位博士後研究員和年輕研究員。



Important achievement of the speaker:
Prof. Potenza is on the editorial boards of fifteen journals (including editor-in-chief of Current Addiction Reports). He has consulted to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, National Registry of Effective Programs, National Institutes of Health, American Psychiatric Association and World Health Organization on matters of addiction.

Education and experience:
Prof. Potenza have extensive experience and expertise in studying the neurobiology, prevention and treatment of addictions and mentoring, educating and training individuals in these areas internationally. Over the past 20 years, Prof. Potenza has investigated addictive behaviors and disorders from translational and interdisciplinary perspectives, including with respect to stimulant use. Prof. Potenza has investigated how neurobiological understandings of addictive processes may advance treatments for drug addictions. Prof. Potenza has served as PI on multiple NIH (NIDA, NIAAA, NIDDK, NCCIH) R01 grants (continuous support for
>15 years) and has been PI on multiple center grants (including P20 DA027844 that studied cocaine use disorder, impulsivity and D2/D3 receptor function translationally). Prof. Potenza has mentored over 100 individuals in the area of addiction research, including over 30 post-doctorates and a similar number of junior faculty.

Topic content: In this webinar, Professor Potenza is going to share his past and ongoing research regarding behavioral addictions and how the behavioral addictions associate with violence and aggression. Moreover, Prof. Potenza will discuss this issue via the lens of gender difference perspectives. This topic across the disciplines in psychology, psychiatry, occupational therapy, and sociology.


Speech II Slots of Fun: Behavioural Addictions in the 21st Century 逐樂-二十一世紀的行為成癮
Mark Griffiths 英國諾丁漢特倫特大學  特聘教授

3/10 (五) 5:00 pm ~6:00 pm (英文演說, in English)
Mark Griffiths, Distinguished Professor
Nottingham Trent University, UK
Date: Fri, March 10th
Time: 5 pm ~6 pm (Taiwan local time)
Link: https://reurl.cc/067zNM


Griffiths教授針是特許心理學家並擔任國際遊戲研究單位(International Gaming Research Unit)的主任。Griffiths教授在1987年從University of Bradford獲得一級榮譽的學士學位(心理範疇)並在1990年取得University of Exeter的心理學博士學位。他在1990-1995年間於University of Plymouth擔任心理學講師。從1995年起,他就在Nottingham Trent University任職並於2002年升等為教授。Griffiths教授指導超過30位博士生並多數從事行為成癮、賭博、遊戲、網路使用和冥想的研究領域。


Important achievement of the speaker:
Professor Griffiths is one the UK’s most high profile media commentators and has been awarded a number of prizes for his scientific dissemination. He has appeared on over 3000 radio and television programmes, and has written over 300 articles for national and international newspapers and magazines including the Washington Post and The Guardian. Professor Griffiths has given keynote addresses to the US National Academy of Sciences (Washington DC), and the US National Center for Addiction (New York). Professor Griffiths also sits on and chairs many national and international committees and is a past chair of the European Association for the Study of Gambling and co-founder and former Chair of the charity GamCare. Professor Griffiths has acted as a consultant for many Government bodies including the Gambling Commission, UK Home Office, Department of Culture, Media and Sport, Department of Health, Victorian Casino and Gaming Authority (Australia) and various international Governments.

Education and experience:
Professor Griffiths is a Chartered Psychologist and Director of the International Gaming Research Unit. Professor Griffiths received a First Class Honours degree (BSc. Psychology) from the University of Bradford (1987). He was awarded his PhD in Psychology at the University of Exeter (1990) and then was a Lecturer in Psychology at the University of Plymouth (1990-1995). He has been at Nottingham Trent University since October 1995 and was awarded his Professorship in 2002. Professor Griffiths has supervised over 30 PhD students mostly in the area of behavioural addiction, gambling, gaming, Internet use, and mindfulness.

Topic content: In this webinar, Professor Griffiths is going to share his past and ongoing research experience in different types of behavioral addictions. Moreover, Prof. Griffiths will discuss how the behavioral addictions perform in the 21st Century. This topic across the disciplines in psychology, psychiatry, occupational therapy, and sociology.

國立成功大學 醫學院 健康照護科學研究所、職能治療系、物理治療系合辦線上演講
Institute of Allied Health Sciences, College of Medicine, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan 

聯絡人:成大健照所 張小姐 (Ms. Chang); tel: 06-2353535 ext. 5720; email: em75037@email.ncku.edu.tw


