【演講】4/22,6/7 國際跨域研究學者演講

[Professional Online Lectures]健康照護的跨域研究Multidisciplinary Research on Healthcare
[場次一] Online meeting room: https://reurl.cc/qOp3Np
*演講主題:Update on COPD disease impact and activity impairment
*演講者:Frank C. Sciurba | 美國匹茲堡大學醫學院 教授
*日期與時間:4月22日 | 周五 | 下午 20:30-21:30 (台灣時間)
Frank Sciurba教授於1982年在芝加哥大學醫學院取得醫學士,於1988年開始任教於匹茲堡大學醫學院肺部及重症醫學科。Frank Sciurba教授目前是慢性阻塞性肺部疾病(COPD)研究中心主任,在COPD領域有著相當傑出的成就,包括發表超過300篇的研究論文、在美國胸腔醫學會(American Thoracic Society)發表數篇有關COPD患者的運動功能測試臨床指引。另也曾因其累積的研究成果獲頒美國國家衛生院(National Institutes of Health, NIH)的COPD傑出研究獎項。在COPD表型甄別、臨床分類以及肺間質疾患的領域上,Frank Sciurba教授在學界具有領導性地位。研究領域主要包含肺容積縮減手術在阻塞型患者的應用、與COPD相關的生物標記甄別與開發以及運動心肺功能測試。
Frank Sciurba教授的研究主題包括肺容積縮減手術的在嚴重肺氣腫患者的應用策略以及使用運動功能測試作為在肺部疾病患者的診斷及預後評估工具,近年發表的研究內容包括慢性阻塞性肺部疾病相關的肺部發炎現象與全身性發炎現象的新式分析方法,相關治療對動態型過度充氣的影響以及現有在慢性阻塞性肺部疾病患者使用的運動肺功能測試和疾病監控方法評估。
[Session 1] Online meeting room: https://reurl.cc/qOp3Np
*Topic: Update on COPD disease impact and activity impairment
*Invited Speaker: Frank C. Sciurba |Professor, Department of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh, USA
*Date& time: April 22nd | Friday | 20:30-21:30 pm (Taiwan local time)
Dr. Frank Sciurba is the director of Emphysema/COPD Research Center. He has co-authored over 300 manuscripts and has had continuous National Institutes of Health funding including a Specialized Clinical Center of Research Excellence in COPD award. His research has been inspired by real clinical problems facing his patients. He has contributed to and co-authored several American Thoracic Society (ATS) statements related to field and laboratory exercise testing and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) issues. He has demonstrated clinical and translational research leadership in phenotyping and sub-classification of COPD and interstitial lung disease, surgical and bronchoscopic volume reduction, biomarker identification and development, lab based cardiopulmonary and field walk exercise testing.
His long term research interest includes volume reduction strategies in patients with advanced emphysema and the use of exercise testing as a diagnostic and outcome tool in lung disease. His recently published work
includes assessment of new concepts related to patterns of pulmonary and systemic inflammation associated with COPD, the impact of therapy on dynamic hyperinflation, assessment of methodology of pulmonary exercise
testing and activity monitoring in COPD.
[場次二] Online meeting room: https://bit.ly/3v3ffhN
*演講主題:結構方程模型之應用: AMOS之使用
*演講者:陳季康 Ji-Kang Chen | 香港中文大學社會工作系 副教授
*日期與時間:6月7日 | 周二 | 上午 10:10-12:00 (台灣時間)
[Session 2] Online meeting room: https://bit.ly/3v3ffhN
*Topic: SEM application: The use of AMOS
*Invited Speaker:Ji-Kang Chen | A.P., Department of Social Work, the Chinese University of Hong Kong
*Date& time: June 7th | Tuesday | 10:10-12:00am (Taiwan local time)
Dr. Ji-Kang Chen is from Taiwan and is the associate professor of department of Social Work in Chinese University of Hong Kong. He received his Ph.D. and Master degree in social work from University of Southern California and Washington University. He is dedicated to research issues such as school violence among child and adolescent, cyberbullying, mental health, and child well-being. Furthermore, he is involved in multiple cross-country studies to explore issues such as school violence and bullying. His outstanding research results have been published in dozens of top international SSCI journals, and one of them has been selected as one of the top 100 classic papers in global criminology.
Dr. Chen's field of expertise is not only social issues for children and adolescents, but also an expert in advanced social statistics and social policy research. He has served as a keynote speaker at the World Anti-Bullying Forum and was invited to participate in government measures and policy discussions on anti-school violence. His outstanding performance in the teaching of research methods and advanced statistics is highly recognized by students and the universities where he teaches.